Friday, February 16, 2018

Love (Friday Five Edition)

With Valentine's week this week I thought I'd count the ways I love my kitties.

1. How they don't want me to leave the house to go to work.


2.  How they plot against me.

Aiden, Brianna, & Riley

3.  How they make friends.

Riley, Aiden, & Bree looking out at Duibhe

Bree telling Duibhe that she is not allowed in

4.  The funny things they do.

Just hanging around

We love Star Wars!

Sneaking a bite or two

King of the Throne

5.  Snuggles!!
She doesn't care if I have to work as long as she gets my lap

Nap time!

Snuggle down under the covers

All hanging out watching BBT

They may fight, but they snuggle together

My sweet old lady snoozing on my belly

How do you love your furry friends?

I'm linking up with Fairytales and Fitness and Running on Happy for Friday Five 2.0


  1. Aww, I love the pic of them all together looking at the camera!

  2. SO cute! I have 3 cats, 2 dogs, and 2 bunnies and I don't know what I would do without them. They make everyday so much more enjoyable!

  3. Oh my goodness so precious! I just love pets!!

  4. Aww... I love the cute kitty photos, especially the snuggling ones :)
