For the last week or so my left knee has been acting up. It was more of a sharp pain then the normal soreness of things. And it was the same knee pain that I had way back when I started running. It really started hurting after not stepping right and hyper-extending my knee. Hyper-extending my knees are something that is really easy for me to do. So I have been doing a bit of resting.
After a weekend of rest, on Monday I decided to get out there and test out the knee. I had 5 miles on my schedule and if at any point my knee started to hurt then I was going to stop and walk back. I do have to say that it was a good run and I watched my every step to make sure I didn't hyper-extend. No pain in my knee till the last few blocks. I was happy to get through a longer run.
And then I went through my day. And as I did the pain got worse and worse. Not good.
Tuesday I went to the gym for my FT class. The knee hurt a little, but it wasn't bad like it was Monday. I missed Thursday because of it and knew that I would take it easy. The rest of the day it didn't hurt as bad as Monday, but it wasn't great.
Wednesday I skipped my run as I knew better. I had a PT appointment that afternoon and had a lot of little things worked on. While it made my knee feel better, I wasn't sure if he found the actual issue.
Thursday I went to the gym again. Things were better then they were at the gym on Tuesday but I still felt like my knee was talking to me. I kept it easy again. During the day I found a knot in my lower quad, toward the inside. The more I massaged it and rolled my stick over it the better my knee felt. I actually found the trigger to my pain. I did see this beautiful sunrise on the way to the gym.
On Friday I decided to take a short run to see how the knee felt. I took off on my 3 mile route. It was actually warm out, like in the 60's at 6 AM. It did sprinkle and rain a little, but it felt so good to be out there in shorts and a tank and not 5 layers. While my knee didn't hurt, it could feel like it was talking to me or maybe tight. But not actual pain. It's hard to describe, but I think most people understand it. The real test would be how I felt the rest of the day. And I had no pain the rest of the day. I did continue to work out the knot.
Friday night I went to see the play version of Dirty Dancing. I have to say that I loved the movie growing up and have seen it several times. A lot of the play was strait from the movie, dialog, movements, songs. Then there were parts where it just seemed like they were trying to stretch the play out. Random dances and songs that were not in the movie and really didn't seem like it was part of the story at all. Don't get me wrong, the dancing and singing were great to watch, it just seemed out of place. And then there was the audience. Woot-ing and hollering when the lead actor had his shirt off made it feel a bit like a bachelorette party. Over all it was fun and made me want to watch the movie again.
Saturday morning I wanted to try 5 miles again. And like Friday, while there was a little tightness, no actual pain. The knot I was working on was much smaller at this point. And it felt fine the rest of the day. I knew I was on the right path.
Saturday afternoon I went to see Ready Player One. My friend and I have read this book and enjoyed it immensely. A very geeky book with a lot of references to the '80's. We were both worried about if the movie would be any good since movies are never as good as the book. Overall I enjoyed the movie. A lot of things that I pictured in my head came out on the screen. The only thing I think it missed was a bit of character development on how the friends met and how they became the team they were at the end. I'm afraid if you never read the book that would be a confusing part of the movie. But the movie overall was good. I still highly recommend the book to any self-proclaimed geek out there.
Sunday was Easter. Beyond church, our family never really had any Easter traditions. Well except when I was in high school. We would do all the church things having to do with Ash Wednesday and Lent and then on Easter we would head to Kings Dominion. The weather was usually nice and the crowds were low, especially in the morning. My mom hated going to church on Easter cause it was full of people that only went twice a year. So because we never had any true Easter traditions or dinners I feel like others are judging me when I say we don't have plans. I know they aren't but it's like I'm saying I don't have any plans for Thanksgiving or Christmas.
I hope everyone had a good Easter!
Is there a movie you have seen that was almost or just as good as the book? If you haven't read Ready Player One and have seen the movie, what did you think? What are your Easter traditions?
I'm glad you found that knot and your knee seems to be doing better! I'm excited to see Ready Player One. Mike and I both really enjoyed the book.
ReplyDeleteIt's great you were able to locate the source of your knee pain! My PT used to say what's hurting is usually not the issue. I never think a movie is as good as the book. There is just no way to get all the detail from watching a film. Thanks for linking!