Sunday, October 16, 2016

Trying Walk/Run Again (Weekly Wrap-up Edition)

First week of taper is complete.  Two more weeks till MCM.  This has been another hard week for me.  Not for running, but everything else.  The help we had for my dad didn't work out, so there was time spent with him and stress about what we are going to do weighted on me.  I went to another job fair.  I like to see so many employers at once, but it is really exhausting.  But running seems to be going better.  And I'm focusing on detail planning for MCM.  That seems to be calming me some.  Planning just does that to me.

I didn't run on Monday as I was still exhausted Sunday night and decided not to get up early and take an extra rest day.  I'm on my taper so I'm not worried about missing a day.  Wednesday was a good run.  Even though I was in a bad mood the whole run.  I was hoping that the run would help my mood, but it didn't.  Just too much going on and too much stress.  But with cooler temps, my pace is coming down slowly.  Though on my run I did see an accident.  I'm not sure how it happened, but it looked like the car crossed the median and hit a brick wall.  I hope that everyone was OK.

Friday my mood was better.  With things with the job, I have been working from home more often and that means that I can wait till the sun rises to run.  But not Friday.  I had a job fair that morning and I had to make sure I had plenty of time to get ready.  This run was good even though it was in the dark.  I did see a shooting star.  I made a wish quickly and then thought maybe I should wish on something more important and changed my mind.  Can I do that?  Will I get the first or second wish?  Or will I get one at all? :)

Saturday was a much cooler day.  I really wasn't sure what to wear as told me something completely different then the local news channel.  So I went with a light long sleeve shirt and tights.  While I could have gotten away with a short sleeve shirt and shorts I wasn't really hot at all.

I decided to try and do a walk/run again.  I wanted to see if I could do that for the race and if it made any difference.  I went with a 30 second walk/1 minute run.  We ran down to the bottom (downtown).  There are a couple reasons I hate running those types of loops - 1) you run down but you have to run up all these hills for the second half and 2) the streets and sidewalks are mostly made of cobblestone and brick.  Makes you have to watch your step so you don't trip.

We did run past where the Over the Edge fundraiser was happening.  It's for the Special Olympics where people raise money and rappel over the edge of a building.  No one was coming down when we ran by, but it would have been fun to watch someone.  I always sort of wanted to do it, but I'm terrified of heights.  I want to do it though as I can't let my fear to stop me from doing fun things.  But it looks so scary.   My dilemma.

We did cross the canal.  It has some paths to run on, but it's not very long.

And we crossed the river twice.  I love crossing the river as it is so beautiful.

So, over all, it looks like my pace and heart rate were about the same.  I did feel more tired at the end of the run.  I'm still trying to decide what I will do for the race.  I'm running with a friend and want an even walk/run and not random when my HR goes up.  For now I'll do a couple more walk/run runs just to see if Saturday was a hard run or if I should stick to HR.

Linking up with Holly and Tricia's Weekly Wrap Up.


  1. I know a lot of people swear by run/walk intervals. If you can find the ratio that works for you, it can work really well. Sorry about the stresses. Sometimes even running can fix everything. I hope it gets better though.

  2. I still do not get the whole HR thing. I just run based on how I feel. I have this fancy new watch that says your HR but do not really pay much attention to it. Looks like you have some pretty places to run around Richmond from the pics. Enjoy your taper. Hopefully you can just relax and not have too much stress on you.-L

  3. Sorry things are hard right now :( I hope the running and MCM planning helps keep things bearable. I'm the same way with planning, it helps me calm down for some reason. It looks like a beautiful run on Saturday!

    1. It's also not thinking about all the stuff I don't want to deal with right now. I'd rather focus on fun. :) Thanks!

  4. I am sorry things didn't work out to help out your Dad! that is sad. I hope you can work out a solution.

    Good luck with the job fairs. In Pa we have offices called Career Link, they have different workshops and job fairs often. Do you have something similar in your state?

    Good luck with your taper! enjoy it and get good rest!

    1. We will have resources after our last day, which isn't till the end of the year. I just know it will take awhile to find a job, so I'm trying to put as much work into it now, before the holidays hit. Thanks!

  5. Enjoy your taper! I hope you can find another solution for your Dad soon. I'm not sure I could convince myself to do Over the Edge. I've never tried an official walk/run ratio, but usually walk through all water stops. I know many people are successful with them. Good luck! Thanks for linking, Heather.
