Friday, March 8, 2019

Happy International Woman's Day (Friday Five Edition)

So my life has been so extremely boring lately.  But I wanted to wish all the wonderful, powerful woman out there a Happy International Woman's Day!

International Woman's Day celebrates the differences and similarity in all of the woman around the world.  It honors the achievements of woman, weather it's social or cultural or political.  Bringing woman together to share their strength in different aspects of life.

I learned that International Woman's Day has been happening for over a century.  The first gathering was in 1911 in different countries in Europe.  This is around the time of the Suffragists movements around the world.  Learn more about IWD here.

I have achieved a lot in my life and a lot of that has to do with the strong role model my mother showed me while growing up.  She had a high paying accounting job when I was younger and quit it to be able to go back to school to get her PhD so that she could teach accounting at a University.  That was a huge gamble with two young children, but she has her dream job that she loves and does not want to retire any time soon since she loves it so much. 

Do you have a strong role model in your life that showed you that you could do anything?

I'm linking up with Fridays with Fairytales and Fitness and other healthy lifestyle bloggers.


  1. Happy International Woman's Day! My Mom is my hero.

  2. I've been celebrating with the amazing women in my life all week! Hey why not right. Have a great day

  3. Happy International Women's day! That's a great story about your mom :)

  4. Happy IWD to you! You are so lucky to have your Momma!
