Friday, December 28, 2018

2018 Races in Pictures (Friday Five Edition)

In January all I had planed race-wise was two runDisney events and Ukrop's 10k.  By June, I had done at least one of each of the first 6 months.  I then decided to continue and do at least one per month for the rest of the year.  I sort of accomplished that.  All except December.  I signed up for one, but it was cancelled due to the foot of snow we got that weekend.  I still may be able to do one in December, on the 31st.  It's one right before midnight and the plan is to do it unless it's raining. 

I found that because of this, I did a lot of new to me races.   Except for Ukrop's and the runDisney races that I had already signed up for at the beginning of the year, I have not done any of these races.  All of them I would do again.  I don't know the plan for next year, and probably won't do the one a month race (though I still may), I want to continue trying new races out.  There are plenty out there that I haven't done yet.















I'm linking up with Fridays with Fairytales and Fitness and other healthy lifestyle bloggers.

Friday, December 21, 2018

New Slidding Glass Door (Friday Five Edition)

I've been working about 60 hours a week for the past month, so I have had little time to do anything fun, including posting anything.  I'm hoping to get my PTO next week, so I can relax and catch up on all the fun stuff I've been missing out in.  I did have something fun happen last week, though.  I finally got my new sliding glass door!

Back in April, I mentioned that I was planning on getting a sliding glass door to replace my fake French doors that leads to my back deck.  Not only did I not like the doors, they were not put in very well and there was mold starting to form in my crawl space from the door leaking down.  So one way or the other, the door needed to be replaced.

In May, I did some research and got some quotes and finally ordered one in June.  They said that it would be 6-8 weeks for the door to come in and then installation would be set up.  Well 8 weeks had passed and I had not heard from the company.  I called them and they said that because I ordered the doors with screens inside the glass, it usually took 2-4 weeks later.

In September they finally called and said that my door was in and scheduled an appointment to install the door 3 weeks later.  I was so excited to see the door.  The weather was turning perfect to be able to open up the door and my windows and feel the wonderful fall weather through the house.  They came and started to get ready and about 20 minutes later they had told me that they were done.  Huh?  Well apparently the door was ordered a half an inch too small.  At least they measured before took my old door out and I had a huge hole in my house.

On Monday they finally came to install the right size door.  They were also able to fix the mold that had started in my crawl space and fix it so water would not leak down there.  I'm sad that I won't be able to take advantage of the screen door for another few months, but it's in!

They do need to come back and fix the screen inside the door that does not sit right.  But they work and I'm happy to have them.  I will need to paint the new molding that they put in, but that will have to wait till I know they are done with everything and I actually have some time to do something besides work and sleep.

A couple weeks ago was Hanukkah, so if you celebrate, I hope you had a good one.  Next week is Christmas, and if you celebrate, I hope you have a merry one.

I'm linking up with Fairytales and Fitness and Running on Happy for Friday Five 2.0