Friday, April 26, 2019

Hello, Everyone! (Friday Five Edition)

I have been sporadic with my posting lately.  This mostly has been due to the fact my anxiety levels are through the roof.  I haven't had this much anxiety since I was in college.  My job is very interactive so I'm having a hard time just getting through the day at work and am so exhausted when I get home that I don't want to interact with anyone.  I've been dealing with several panic attacks a week.  I know this will pass, because it usually does, and if it doesn't soon, I'll be going to the doctors.  But for more fun stuff.

I did go see Avengers' End Game.  All I have to say is that it's the best Marvel movie out to date.  Even if you just kinda like the Marvel movies, you need to go see it.  But if you are a Marvel fan, this is a must see.

In my kitchen, I have a wall between two windows that has always been left blank.  I've seen other houses in my neighborhood that have the same floor plan as me, and one had this huge clock there that really fit that space.  For years, I have always looked for just the right piece.  Well I found it.

The medal flower is something that I bought and then I added the butterflies.  The butterflies are attached to bendable medal that I attached to the flowers.  The ones away from the flowers, I removed the medal rod and taped them to the wall.  

And I did get my wonderful computer back and it has a such a beautiful new screen.  I asked why there was no charge and he said that this computer had had display issues before.  After he said that, I did recall my friend saying he had to get it replaced once before he gave it to me.  I tell you, that is great service from Apple.  Almost anywhere else, they would charge no matter what since it was out of warranty.

And that pollen has been so harsh here in the past few weeks.  I long for rain to clear it out.  But the weather has been so nice that I still cannot help but open up the windows.  

I'm linking up with Fridays with Fairytales and Fitness and other healthy lifestyle bloggers.


  1. We have had ridiculous amounts of pollen here too. Sorry to hear that you are having such a tough time lately

  2. I hope the anxiety gets less for you.
    Your wall decor looks amazing! I like how you added the butterflies!
    Thanks for linking up!
