Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Christmas in Denver vlog (Tuesdays on the Run Edition)

I know Tuesday's on the Run's main focus is supposed to be about running, but I wanted to get my vlog from Denver up.  In my defense I do talk about the runs I did while I was there.  So I hope that counts. :)

Disclaimer:  Again, I didn't get as many videos done that I wanted to, so I filled some of it with still pictures.  I'll have to see if I can do better in Disneyland.  I hope everyone likes it.


  1. Great video! Sounds like you had a great time in Denver. Good job on your 10 mile run. I bet that it was nice running in a different area even though you were in a running rut. Did you get a hair cut? Looks good. Hey did your uncle like those Virginia peanuts?

  2. Yes, I did get a hair cut, good eye. And yes, they loved the peanuts. They thought it was great that they were from VA.
